Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council

As a Pastoral Council, we commit ourselves to this ministry of encouraging and challenging our brothers and sisters in faith by leading them with the example of our own discipleship. With that sense of commitment and in a spirit of love and mutual respect, we strive to truly serve the Lord both here at St. Francis and in the larger community.

The Pastoral Council welcomes all parishioners to contact us with ideas, concerns, suggestions and comments regarding the life of the parish. In order for St. Francis to meet the needs of its members, those needs must be identified and addressed. To do this, we need your help.

The council strives, through the varied ministries which enhance the spiritual, educational and social growth of parishioners, to actively involve our faith family by calling forth a response from each person to share his or her giftedness in building up the Body of Christ at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

Council Members

Parish Trustees

Meeting Minutes 

Pastoral Council Meetings are held at 7:00pm the first Thursday of each month. 

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